Our data

Camping & Marina de Meeuw
Batterijweg 1
3231 AA Brielle

Chamber of Commerce: 10040855
VAT: NL8070.75.310.B.02
IBAN: NL79 RABO 0364 4904 89
Collector ID: NL 72 ZZZ 1004 0855 000


We use your information for internal purposes only and it is not passed on to third parties. View our full privacy statement here.

Prices on the website

All prices are inclusive of VAT. Not included are any increases in the VAT rate and any additional governmental taxes that were not reasonably known or applicable at the time of publication of this web page. Prices subject to typographical and printing errors.

Cancellation insurance taken out?

Have you thought about taking out cancellation insurance with your booking? If you want to, be quick because this is possible up to 7 days after making your reservation. After these 7 days it is no longer possible. For last minute bookings up to 3 days before arrival, you can take out cancellation insurance.

View the cancellation policy
Camping Brielle reception 9

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